To build the plane for each layer, we will use the Plane.ByOriginNormal node. If you select an STL file in the File Path node, you should see your design appear in the viewer. For this, we make a File Path node and connect it to a Mesh.ImportFile node. We also have to import our file to slice. However, you can get much fancier with sliders under the Core > Input menu.
In Dynamo, the easiest way to do this is to double-click and create a code block with all the settings. Output File Name: the name of the final file of printing instructions (G-Code).Print Temperature: how hot the nozzle needs to be, in Celsius.Print Speed: how fast to move while printing, in mm/minute.Filament Diameter: the width of the filament we're using.We also need a few more settings for later parts of the process: Extrusion Width: how wide to make an individual wall of the part.

Number of Perimeters: the number of solid shells on the outside of our part.Layer Height: the spacing between our two-dimensional layers.At the absolute simplest, we need four options to plan our paths: That way, it's easy for me to adjust the settings of my code without hunting through the entire file. In general, this tutorial will be pretty organic in the way we build our code, but I like to keep all of my "tweakables" at the far left of the canvas. In this guide, we'll take a look at how slicers work, identify the most important features for us to replicate, and build a complete slicer that's capable of making real 3D printed parts. This inspired me to write this guide so that even novice or inexperienced coders can understand the code at the core of 3D printing. I had to struggle through the code of one of the open-source slicers, and it was slow, frustrating work. When I transitioned from a 3D printing user to a developer of 3D printing software, there was very little information available to understand how slicers work. All of these slicers have dozens of features for customizing the results, but many users don't understand the internal workings of the programs themselves. Many of the existing slicers (slic3r, Cura, MatterSlice, etc.) are open source, though a few closed-source slicers exist (e.g. This program takes in a 3D model and puts out the instructions for the printer itself.
At the core of 3D printing is a piece of software called the slicer.